This is the 2nd out of 3 Give Aways to celebrate for my cover reveal on Wednesday (August 10). I am so stoked for this guys I have been waiting for MONTHS to show you this keeping it to myself and slowly going crazy. I have the lovely and talented (Kim from KimGDeisgns) to thank for this amazing cover I will show you on Wednesday.

As you guys know, I wanted to do something fun for the reveal so I decided to run three Giveaways! The first one ends tonight at 10 MT time (so you might still have time to enter!), the second one starts NOW and ends Tuesday 10 MT, and the third on Wednesday, the day I finally show you guys this beautiful baby!

On to the good stuff: The GIVEAWAY!

Unknown-2 Today’s theme is Secret Societies. I love a good book with a secret society my first ever was a book no one seems to know: The Downsiders by Neal Shusterman.It’s a boy from an underground world and a girl from the above ground world (NYC) meeting each other and building a friendship that may or may not hold up against the secret. Unknown-3I read that back in the 8th grade and I guess (It just dawned on me) that this book has REALLY stuck with me because Gray City is a secret city underground. I’d have to say my favorite secret society of all time goes to Harry Potter. I mean—how could it not be? I’ll be sharing a few more through out the day and I want you to share yours too! I mean why not? You get to talk about books and possible get a free one! WIN! WIN!

Now you want to know how to get in on this sweetness? Watch this video, subscribe, and get on twitter, instagram, facebook, or tumblr and share your favorite asshole character using the #TheKeepersVow. Don’t forget the hashtag, if you do I’ll never be able to find you enormity that is the internet.

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